What I'm doing now

What I'm doing now

Updated April 22, 2024, from my home in Barcelona.

Working on the second edition my my course

2 years ago I created a course where I taught hundreds of people how to stand out with the power of visual storytelling. I temporarily closed it to focus on other projects and this year I'm finally launching the second improved edition with a different more practical approach. Subscribe to my letter to get notified when it's live!

Experimenting with YouTube

Creating static visuals is so much fun, but I've always been curious about video and animations. So, this year, I want to create a portfolio of cool YouTube videos revolving around the topics I'm interested in. Additionally, I want to improve my speaking skills and learn to fluently talk in front of a camera.

Changing my environment

As much as I love working from home, this year I've decided to make an effort to visit new places, explore new cultures, and connect with new people. Soon, I'll move to London for a month. After that, I might choose Scandinavia as my next destination, and finally, Southeast Asia! Travel is fatal to prejudice and narrow-mindedness.

© The copyright logo? Too corporate for me!


The copyright logo?

Too corporate for me!